Saturday, August 20, 2011


Kshitiz, Abhinav, and I. These two were my best friends and brothers at VIT

Thanks a lot, guys, for helping me experience the college life in India!

Ashish, my basketball buddy. He was pretty good! ... but I was better. :)

I played pool seriously for the first time at VIT. Pool with Kshitiz was a daily high-stakes affair, with chocolate bets on each game!


Ms. Punnagai Munasami, Assistant Head of Bioinformatics Department and my guide
Mrs. Beverly David, International Relations Officer and my mother away from home
Dr. Anilkumar, Head of School of Biosciences and Technology

Mrs. Anita, International Affairs Officer and comic relief!

David, peon at IR Office and attentive towards all of my needs

Trainer Anna, Physical Trainer at VIT Gym and first person to teach me how to lift!


The Nelson Mandela, or International, Block. My home for the stay!
My living conditions were the best they could make for me. I had an AC in my room, and basic amenities like a fan, a a cupboard, and a bathroom. Unfortunately, I did not get to enjoy my AC room much in the sweltering conditions. Walking around the huge campus, working in a basic room with just the hum of the computer for company many times, and other work outside resulted in me returning to my room usually only for the night. However, I loved this hostel like a home, and will never forget the great times spent there with friends.
My room on the last day. What a mess!


My VIT ID card! I was issued this within 3 days of arriving on campus, and it was my ticket to everywhere.