Sunday, February 13, 2011

Prank Consequences

The team went out for dinner at the Rainforest Cafe, and the one rule our coach put on us was to NOT tell the waitress that it was his birthday, because it WASN'T his birthday. Naturally, we told the waitress. After celebrating his "birthday" in the restaurant, our coach decided to get his revenge immediately. He bought us all Disney princess hats, showered us with glitter, and paraded us around Downtown Disney for everyone to see. Although embarrassed, we laughed it off and strutted our outfits. Our only regret is that we didn't get to play volleyball in them as well ...

The 17-2 Team

Renegades 17-2 - Ronastotle
Th5s team was well know in Renegades for having the best team bonding/camaraderie. We were all like brothers, and had a blast with each other no matter how the matches went. I'll never forget this team. It was an honor being your captain, guys!