Saturday, March 27, 2010

CCF 2010

WHOA first place! We won first place of the whole show, not just our section, and those trophies are NOT light! I knew we had it in us, but this whole experience was heart pounding. However, this is just the beginning. We have so much farther to go!
So far, this trophy is one of my proudest accomplishments. However, because of the way the "eye-liner" the girls forced on me ended up, I vow to NEVER let them do that to me again.

The 2010 Troupe

The troupe on the day of CCF. So many emotions are hidden behind the smiling faces! There's nervousness, tension, fear that other troupes may sabotage us, worry about individual performances, and much, much more. However, these guys held it better than I'd ever expected them to.