Monday, October 11, 2010

Losses 2010

From now on, Akshay (the other boy in the troupe) is leaving the troupe due to family problems, and Ruhi is leaving because she busted her knee. She needs surgery ... which ultimately means we lost two of our best dancers. Good luck wherever you go, Akshay! You'll be great. Also, I hope you feel better and are ready to dance soon, Ruhi! I know dance runs in your blood, and you won't be the same without it. I can't wait to have you back!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

SF Giants Game, August 2010

What better way to celebrate India's Independence Day than performing in front of 40,000 Giants fans at the pregame on August 15, the day the Giants faced the Padres? This experience was the most nerve-wracking one we've ever had. Although we performed a hip-hop piece right before this performance outside for the people waiting in line to watch, we were still tense. Fortunately, the dance went well! It was great to see the baseball players cheering for us instead of us cheering for them!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Arya Recital 2010

Yes, we do hip-hop and contemporary non-Bollywood styles as well. We do Bollywood and cultural dances primarily for competitions, but we enjoy having an all-around dance experience. My Arya Troupers can do any kind of dance!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

ICC 2010

First place at ICC 2010 as well! CCF and ICC are the biggest Bollywood competitions in the Bay Area, and we have now won them both this year. This is just the beginning, folks! Arya has much more to show.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

CCF 2010

WHOA first place! We won first place of the whole show, not just our section, and those trophies are NOT light! I knew we had it in us, but this whole experience was heart pounding. However, this is just the beginning. We have so much farther to go!
So far, this trophy is one of my proudest accomplishments. However, because of the way the "eye-liner" the girls forced on me ended up, I vow to NEVER let them do that to me again.

The 2010 Troupe

The troupe on the day of CCF. So many emotions are hidden behind the smiling faces! There's nervousness, tension, fear that other troupes may sabotage us, worry about individual performances, and much, much more. However, these guys held it better than I'd ever expected them to.